Sony India has revealed the launch of its latest high-end mirrorless camera in the Alpha 7R series, the Alpha 7R IV. This new mirrorless camera from the Sony comes with what is claimed to be the world first 61 MP back-illuminated full-frame image sensor, which is even designed to deliver the stunning image quality with the high resolution and a wide dynamic range.
Price and availability
The price of the Sony Alpha 7R IV has been set at the cost of INR 299000, and the camera will be available for the purchase starting from today only.
The Sony Alpha 7R IV is claimed to be the world first 35mm full-frame mirrorless camera that even features a 61MP back-illuminated Exmor R CCMOS image sensor with the latest generation Bionz X image processor. The camera even boosts with a 5.76 million dot UXGA OLED Tru Finder Electronic viewfinder, for viewing the output in the better contrast and brightness.
Some of the other features include the Professional 4K video, Real-Time Eye Auto Focus, S-Log3, HDR Workflow support.
Apart from the camera department, Sony has also revealed some of the accessories. These include the VG-C4EM Vertical Grip that has been priced at the cost of INR 31990.
Overall, the camera is good with amazing features.