At the Galaxy Unpacked event, Samsung unveiled its all-new Galaxy S24 series, which includes the Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24+, and Galaxy S24. At the same event, Google announced that the new Samsung Galaxy S24 series will use Gemini, the company’s foundational model, to power the AI capabilities. Gemini Pro will be integrated into select Samsung apps to enhance functionalities.
Notably, Samsung’s Notes, Voice Recorder and Keyboard apps on the Galaxy S24 series will use Gemini Pro to offer better summarisation features. As per Google, thanks to Gemini’s AI enhancements, if you record a lecture using the Voice Recorder app, it can summarise the lesson. Similarly, Google’s advanced text-to-image diffusion technology, Imagen 2, will offer image editing features using Generative Edit within the Galaxy S24 Gallery app.
The company also announced that the Galaxy S24 series will come built-in with Gemini Nano, the most efficient model for on-device tasks. This will enable a new feature in Google Messages and ensure user data doesn’t leave the smartphone.
Additionally, Google confirmed that Samsung would be one of the first partners to test Gemini Ultra, the company’s largest model for highly complex tasks, before it is available broadly to developers and enterprise customers later this year.
An exact timeline wasn’t given at the event, but Samsung teased that some Galaxy S24 AI capabilities are coming to previous-generation Galaxy devices.
Google also announced that the Galaxy S24 series is getting Magic Compose feature thanks to Gemini Nano. Other new AI features for the Galaxy S24 series include Photomoji and Voice Moods.