Realme has finally confirmed the launch of its upcoming flagship smartphone, Realme X2 Pro. Realme unveiled the Realme X2 smartphone at the event in China last week. Now it seems the company is close to launching Pro version of Realme X2, called Realme X2 Pro in the home country. The Oppo spin-off is teasing the launch of a new smartphone via Weibo.
Realme X2 Pro phone
Realme China’s Product Director Wang Wei Derek confirmed on China’s microblogging site Weibo that the company is indeed working on a Realme X2 Pro phone. He has used the hashtags X2Pro and Super Samurai in his post, the latter being the codename of the phone. The upcoming phone will be an amped up variant of the Realme X2 launched last week.
Realme X2 Pro Specifications
Going by the leaks and rumours, the Realme X2 Pro could be accompanied by the Snapdragon 855+ SoC and will offer 90Hz display. However, a Weibo tipster hinted that the Realme X2 Pro will be launched sometime in the middle of October 2019.
Furthermore, he also shared the Bluetooth SIG listing of Realme RMX1931 spotted last week which suggests that the handset will come equipped with the Snapdragon 855 SoC, and not Snapdragon 855+ SoC. Moreover, the Bluetooth SIG listing also revealed that the phone will feature a 6.55-inch full-HD display, run on ColorOS 6.1, support Bluetooth v5.0, dual-band Wi-Fi, and a fingerprint sensor.