Adding to its long line of products, Realme has revealed a new earphone in India along with the Realme 5 and Realme 5 Pro smartphone. The company revealed Realme Buds 2 Earphones which has been priced at the cost of INR 599 and comes in the Black color.
This new earphone from Realme has 11.2 mm bass boost driver, which consists of Multi-Layer Composite Diaphragm and Japan Daikoku Voice Coil in the price range. The new advanced sound aggregation technology and coaxial capsule design allow the 11.2mm movable coil to deliver the Hi-Fi music without any interruption.
It also has integrated magnets that help you to store the headphones neatly and also has a cable strap to keep the earphone tidy. You can also control the music, handle phone calls, and even summon Google Assistant with the three tactile incline buttons and a mic.
Moreover, the Realme Buds 2 come with a reinforced braided jacket and two evenly grooved TPU cables that make the earphone tangle-free. Furthermore, the ear tips of the new Realme Buds 2 are bent 45 degrees for the snug wear and are comfortable even after the long hours of use.
Realme in November, last year, revealed its Realme Buds earphone, the first magnetic earphones from a smartphone brand in this price range in India which was priced at the cost of INR 499.