OnePlus, which is known for its affordable flagship smartphone and a few months back, the company has revealed the OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 Pro smartphones across the globe. So, riding high with the success of the OnePlus 7 Series revealed back in the month of June, it is even expected that the company will follow up with the purported OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro inn the following months.
OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro Launch Date
According to the report, reveals that the OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro will be going to be launch exclusively in Indian on the slated date of 26 Sept. So, according to the tweet, India will be the first market to see the launch of these two new smartphones. Moreover, he noted that these smartphones would be launched in the European and US countries on the 10th of October. Both the smartphones will go on sale in all markets on the 15th of October.
OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro Specifications
If the rumors are true, then the new OnePlus 7T and OnePlus 7T Pro will feature Qualcomm Snapdragon 855+ chipset under the hood. With respect to the design, both the smartphones are likely to look the same as the current OnePlus 7, and OnePlus 7 Pro. Some of the reports are also stating that the improved front camera on the upcoming two flagship smartphones.