Mi Air Purifier 2C has been launched in India as Xiaomi’s third air purifier model after the Mi Air Purifier and Mi Air Purifier 2S. It has also been touted to be like the “designed in India for India,” the Mi Air Purifier 2C uses as a “true HEPA” filter and features a real-time air quality indicator. The new Mi Air purifier also comes with dual filtration and is even designed to have a 360degree of the air intake, just like the previous Mi Air Purifier models.
Mi Air Purifier 2C price in India
The Purifier has been priced at the cost of INR 6499. It will go on sale from today itself via the Amazon, Flipkart, and Mi Home.
Mi Air Purifier 2C specifications, features
The Mi Air Purifier 2C comes with dual filtration technology and includes the true HEPA filter that is touted to filter 99% of the indoor pollution. The machine has a 360 degree of air suction and is touted to deliver a CADR of 350 cubic meters per hour.
Just like the Mi Air Purifier 2S that has an OLED display to provide you with the real-time PM2.5 level updates, the Mi Air Purifier 2C has an LED-equipped real-time air quality indicator that highlights air quality in the three different stages, which is namely by the name as clean air, severe pollution level and moderate pollution level.
Moreover, the Mi Air Purifier 2C measures 240x240x520mm and weighs around 4.1 kilograms.