Lava Yuva 3 made its debut in India today, succeeding the Lava Yuva 2 and following the introduction of the Lava Yuva 3 Pro in December 2023. The smartphone is equipped with an octa-core Unisoc chipset and boasts a 5,000mAh battery with 18W wired charging support. While the device runs on Android 13 from the get-go, Lava has assured users of an update to the latest Android 14. The model is slated for availability later this month, offering consumers a choice between three colors and two RAM and storage configurations.
In terms of pricing and availability, the Lava Yuva 3 comes in Cosmic Lavender, Eclipse Black, and Galaxy White hues, with the 4GB + 64GB variant starting at Rs. 6,799, and the 4GB + 128GB variant priced at Rs. 7,299. Interested buyers can purchase the phone via Amazon from February 7, while availability at Lava’s e-store and offline retail outlets is scheduled to commence from February 10.
The Lava Yuva 3 boasts a 6.5-inch HD+ display with a 90Hz refresh rate. It is powered by an octa-core Unisoc T606 SoC paired with 4GB of RAM, expandable virtually by an additional 4GB. The device offers up to 128GB of UFS 2.2 onboard storage and runs on Android 13. The camera setup includes a triple rear configuration with a 13-megapixel primary sensor, an AI-backed sensor (unspecified), and a VGA sensor. The front camera features a 5-megapixel sensor. Security-wise, the phone incorporates a side-mounted fingerprint scanner integrated into the power button.
The Yuva 3 is equipped with a 5,000mAh battery and comes bundled with an 18W charger. Connectivity options include 4G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 5.0, and USB Type-C. Additionally, the phone includes a 3.5mm audio jack and measures 164.2mm x 76mm x 8.45mm in size.