You all know that WhatsApp started ruling our real world. Every single person in this world already started using the WhatsApp. Most of us start our day by checking our WhatsApp messages. WhatsApp has started features that why people are using to this platform. It is fast, secure, and easy to use. It is one of the most downloaded apps in all the app stores.
Make WhatsApp Account with American or Canadian Number (Working)
So, follow all these steps to use the WhatsApp with the US (+1) number
Step 1: Download and install the 2ndLine US Phone Number App.
Step 2: After installing this app, Create an Account with the help of Signup option via email id and password.
Step 3: After the successful sign up on the app, then you will be redirected to the next page where the app will ask you to enter the code of the country.
Step 4: Choose any of the desired numbers from the list and then copy the number and paste it on your WhatsApp.
Step 5: Now, it is a time to create a new WhatsApp account from your US or Canada number. Open your WhatsApp and use the number you noted and click on verify button.
Step 6: If the WhatsApp send the OTP, then you can see it on the 2ndLine App. But in some of the cases, the OTP could not get right into the app. So, make sure to verify this you need to be patient and wait to form some of the time until the call me options get enabled. Once you check the call me button then just click that to hear your OTP.
Hope you like this article. If you feel this article of How to create US WhatsApp number in 2019 is somewhat helpful, share this article with your family and friends, who are looking for this kind of WhatsApp tricks.