Apple Watch Series 5 was launched by the Apple at its special event on Tuesday. The Apple Watch Series 5 biggest highlight is its always-on display retina display, with an LTPO OLED display panel. This features which make it stand out compared to all the previous generations of Apple Watch Models, and even let users see the smartwatch display even without lifting their wrists.
Apple Watch Series 5 price in India
Apple Watch Series 5(GPS) starts at the INR 40900, while on the Apple Watch Series 5( GPS + Cellular ) starts at the cost of INR 49900. It will go on to sell in India from the 7th September.
Apple Watch Series 5 features and specifications
The Apple Watch Series 5 will be available in two sizes of cases – 44mm and 40mm and features a ceramic and sapphire crystal back finish. Both are 10.7mm thick and features a digital crown with the haptic feedback. It is supported by the Apple new 64-bit dual-core S5 processors and revealed to be up around two times faster than the S3 processor. The W3 wireless chip offers connectivity. There is an inbuilt storage of 32GB on the smartwatch.
Apple Watch Series 5 features an electrical heart rate sensor that powers the ECG Group, a second-generation optical sensor, a built-in compass which is powering with the new Compass app, ambient light sensor, international emergency calling, a barometric altimeter, emergency SOS.
The Smartwatch is soon going to release in India and will make up a hit.