After weeks of leaks and rumors, Apple has today finally introduced its new AirPods Pro which coms with a new design and active noise cancellation support. The earphones, priced at $249, can now be ordered online and in the Apple Store app and will be available in stores starting 30th October.
This newly launched AirPods Pro are Apple’s first earphones to come with a noise-canceling design with “three different sizes of soft, flexible silicone ear tips that conform to the contours of each individual ear.”
So far, the earphones launched by the company — EarPods as well as AirPods, have had an open design that don’t seal off ear canal. The new design could help solve one of the biggest issues with the AirPods — that they don’t fit in all ears securely.
Apple has also said that the AirPods Pro are sweat and water resistant. Apple also says noise cancellation is adjusted up to 200 times per second. It comes with a transparency mode that will let user hear surroundings while wearing them.
The earbuds also have a “force sensor” that can be used to control music playback and activate transparency mode. The company says that the AirPods Pro comes with a feature called “Adaptive EQ” that “automatically tunes music to the shape of your ear.”
It has support for wireless charging and hands-free “Hey Siri” voice commands. Apple says they offer around 4.5 hours of continuous listening battery life on a single charge. The case offers extra battery for 24 hours of total listening time, including those recharges.