Oppo is now all set to launch its new flagship smartphone in the Indian market. The upcoming smartphone is named as the Oppo Reno Ace which comes supported by a Snapdragon 855 Plus Processor and will be revealed in China on the 10th of October. This smartphone is already rumored to be earlier, and now the details are revealed in by the Brian Shen, VP of Oppo.
Earlier reports revealed that the Oppo Reno Ace will feature with a 90Hz display and will come with the super-fast charging technology. But now, Shen disclosed some of the more information about this new smartphone with the help of a post on the webio.
Oppo Reno Ace Specs
Based on reports, Oppo Reno Ace will be going to feature a 90Hz display along with the 135Hz sampling rate for the much faster response. It is coupled with the 12GB RAM and 256 GB storage with the UFS 3.0 storage technology front.
It is also confirmed that the Oppo Reno Ace will come up with the 65W VOOC fast charging support, which is the fastest available mobile charging solution till now.
On the photography department, Oppo Reno Ace sports with a quad-core setup on the back with the 48MP primary camera. It is also confirmed that this may not come with the 10X zoom support as the Oppo Reno Ace is not the successor to the Oppo Reno 10X Zoom.
As confirmed, the Oppo Reno Ace will come with a 6.5-inch waterdrop display and a 16MP camera on the front for selfies. Oppo Reno Ace will be officially unveiled in China on October 15. We can expect the entry of this smartphone in the Indian market by the end of this year.