Oppo introduced the F-series a few years back and the series is a massive hit in India. Now, the company is working on the successor to the Oppo F11. No, it is not the Oppo F12, F13 or F14. The new F-series phone will be called as Oppo F15, the company has confirmed via an official teaser. However, the launch date of the Oppo F15 is yet to be revealed by the company.
The taser of the Oppo F15 has not revealed anything regarding the smartphone, but the words “Kick-Off 2020 With A New Sleek F Series Smartphone” confirms that the phone will be unveiled early next year.
Furthermore, the company via teaser hinted that the forthcoming Oppo F15 will have a sleek design, and given the Oppo F-series smartphones focus on selfies, we can expect a powerful front camera setup on the upcoming Oppo F15 as well. The teaser image shared by Oppo shows the phone from the side, revealing what appears to be a curved metallic frame with a shiny finish. The power-button is also present on the right edge of the device.
The teaser also shows a vertically-aligned camera setup on the rear. To recall, the predecessor Oppo F11 and Oppo F11 Pro launched with the dual-camera setup on the rear, we can expect the triple or quad-camera setup on the Oppo F15 smartphone.